Heraeus Summer School 2017: The Dark Universe
From August 26 to September 2, 2017 HdA hosted the WE Heraeus Summer School "Astronomy from Four Perspectives: The Dark Universe". 65 participants from Heidelberg, Padova, Jena, and Florence – teachers, teacher students, astronomers and astronomy students – will explore the world of dark matter and dark energy, and examine how these exciting concepts of current cosmology research could be taught at a high-school level.
The summer school "Astronomy from Four Perspectives" is part of a cycle involving German and Italian cities. The previous summer schools of the series have been held in Heidelberg (Cosmology, 2013), Padova (Active Galactic Nuclei, 2014), Jena (Gravity, 2015) and Florence (Star formation, 2016). The serious is made possible through generous funding from the WE Heraeus foundation.
Schedule and group photo:
- Exercises and proceedings on arXiv
- Exercises and classroom material on Github
- Lecture by Matthias Bartelmann on the early universe on YouTube
- Lecture by Markus Pössel on the expanding universe on YouTube, extended lecture notes on arXiv