Terms and conditions for competitions

1 General information
Participation in competitions on the pages of the Haus der Astronomie (HdA) in social media (Bluesky, Mastodon, Facebook, Instagram) is only possible if these conditions of participation are adhered.

HdA's competitions are not supported by the respective platforms (Bluesky, Mastodon, Facebook, Instagram) and have no connection to Bluesky, Mastodon, Facebook or Instagram. Bluesky, Mastodon, Facebook or Instagram are not available as contacts for HdA competitions.

HdA reserves the right to suspend or terminate ongoing competitions, to extend deadlines, and to adjust the rules and regulations of a competition or these terms and conditions.

2 Conditions for participation
Any natural person can participate. HdA employees and their immediate family are excluded from participation. If there is an age limit or other restrictions on participation, this will be noted separately in the description of the respective competition. Unless otherwise stated in the description of the respective competition, only one entry per person is permitted.

By participating, participants agree to these terms and conditions and the specifications of the respective competition and declare their consent to their names being published on the internet if they win. Participation is only possible within the time limit stated in the description of the competition. Legal recourse is excluded.

3 Prize
The prize will be awarded as laid out in the description of the competition. In order to qualify for the prize, the requirements and regulations stated in the description of the competition must have been complied with. If more participants than there are prizes available meet the requirements of the competition, the decision will be made by drawing lots. Again, legal recourse is excluded.

A change or cash payment of the prize is excluded. Winners will be notified by us via the respective social medium or as described in the description of the competition. If winners do not respond to the prize notification within the period set by HdA, the prize will be forfeited without compensation.

4 Liability
Compensation claims against the HdA or the Max Planck Society for the Advancement of Science as the governing body of HdA in connection with a competition are excluded - within the legally permissible framework - regardless of the legal grounds, unless HdA has violated legal obligations intentionally or through gross negligence. Furthermore, HdA is not liable for damages resulting from the impairment of the availability of the competition site in the event of technical disruptions and events of force majeure that cannot be influenced, or attacks by third parties against the competition site. HdA will, however, try within the scope of its possibilities try to guarantee the reliability and functionality of the competition site. However, HdA does not guarantee that the competition site will function properly on the devices used by participants.

5 Data protection
HdA guarantees the highest possible standard of data protection within the framework of the competition and observes all relevant legal regulations. HdA will not pass on personal data to third parties or sell address data. HdA stores the personal data of the respective participants exclusively for the purpose of the competition. Participants hereby expressly declare their consent to the storage and use of the personal data provided for the above-mentioned purpose.

6 Severability clause
Should parts of these terms and conditions be ineffective or should there be a loophole, this shall not affect the effectiveness of the remaining parts. The invalid or missing parts shall be replaced by terms which come closest to the purpose of the contract and the statutory regulations.

7 Place of jurisdiction/applicable law
German law applies exclusively in the event of disputes. As far as legally permissible, the place of jurisdiction is agreed to be the seat of the Max Planck Society for the Advancement of Science. If a plaintiff has no general place of jurisdiction in Germany or has changed their residence abroad after participation, the seat of the Max Planck Society for the Advancement of Science shall also be agreed as place of jurisdiction.

8 Contact
If you have any questions regarding the implementation of the respective competition or the processing and use of personal data, please contact us via the respective social medium or send an email to info-hda@hda-hd.de.

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