Astronomical Open Day: June 21, 2015
Sunday, June 21, 2015, 10 am to 5 pm
Haus der Astronoime as well as the Max Planck Institute for Astronomy will open their doors to the public for a behind-the-scenes look at cutting-edge astronomical research. Additional participants are the Zentrum für Astronomie of Heidelberg University, the Max Planck Institute for Nuclear Physics, the Forscherstation (Klaus-Tschira-Kompetenzzentrum für frühe naturwissenschaftliche Bildung), and additional partners.
There will be hands-on activities as well as public talks (including a talk series in English!) on the latest astronomical results - from the origin of our galaxy, other galaxies, and our Solar System, to planets around stars other than the Sun.
As a rule, our employees all speak English.
In the Klaus Tschira Auditorium, there will be a brief presentation of Haus der Astronomie activities and a brief planetarium show (both in German).
For the younger visitors, there will be a children's program (no workshops in English, though). Food vendors will be on site, as well.
In laboratories and in design and construction workshops at the Max Planck Institute for Astronomy, you'll be able to see how astronomical instruments are created, and learn about the particular challenges of working on the largest telescopes on Earth, or on space telescopes.
Some impression of our last Open Day (July 22, 2015) can be found on the Open Day 2015 Web Pages of the Max Planck Institute for Astronomy.
How to get here

The #39 bus will depart from Bismarckplatz to Königstuhl every 15 minutes, starting at 10:45 am.
If you plan to come by car, please note that, starting around 8 am on June 21, the upper reaches of the Königstuhl will be transformed into a circuit of one-way streets. You can find the details in the adjoining image.
General directions to MPIA on Königstuhl can be found here.