Public event: the technology of telescopes and their instrumentation
On 14/12/2022: HdA reaches out to pupils in particular.
To celebrate the 60th anniversary of the European Southern Observatory (ESO), the Haus der Astronomie (HdA; lit. House of Astronomy) offers technically interested people, especially pupils from grade 8 upward, an insight into the work of technicians and engineers in astronomy. The programme includes three short lectures and a virtual tour of ESO's main telescope sites in Chile. During the event, the visitors will have the opportunity to ask engineers and astronomers about the technologies used and the technical careers in astronomy.

The Haus der Astronomie in Heidelberg invites technically interested people, especially pupils as well as science and technology courses and working groups of secondary schools and their teachers from grade 8 onwards, to a public event on 14 December 2022.
The occasion is the 60th anniversary of the European Southern Observatory (ESO). It is based in Germany and has been operating world-class astronomical observatories at various locations in Chile for 60 years. The ESO has thus made a significant contribution to today's knowledge of the universe.

The Haus der Astronomie represents the ESO Science Outreach Network (ESON) in Germany.
The anniversary event offers the opportunity for technically interested individuals, especially pupils to gain an insight into the operation and technology of astronomical measuring instruments (cameras, spectrographs) developed for and used in professional large telescopes in Chile. At the same time, they learn about the job description of technicians and engineers in astronomy.
Current programme
17:30 Admission
18:00 Lecture: 60 years of ESO (Markus Nielbock, ESON and Max Planck Institute for Astronomy)
18:30 Virtual tour of the ESO sites in Chile (English with German commentary)
19:10 Break
19:30 Lecture: The eyes of astronomy. Development of astronomical instruments at the MPIA. (Martin Kürster, Max Planck Institute for Astronomy)
19:55 Lecture: From the desert into the cosmos - instruments for the ESO Paranal Observatory in Chile (Silvia Scheithauer, Max Planck Institute for Astronomy)
20:15 End
Before and after the presentations, as well as during the break, a stand in the foyer of the Haus der Astronomie will offer the opportunity for questions as well as articles to take away.
Admission fee: EUR 5,00
Individuals and groups can book tickets at:
Please note that departure via public transport after 7:30 pm is only possible to a very limited extent. We therefore ask all participants to find out about transport options in good time.
Please note that in the Haus der Astronomie it is mandatory for visitors to wear mouth-nose protection due to the Covid 19 pandemic.