Astronomy Day in Schools 10-17 November 2019
The International Astronomical Union has launched the Astronomy Day in Schools initiative and asks amateur and professional astronomers to participate with astronomy events events dedicated to children at schools in the week of 10-17 November 2019
The anniversary year "100 Years Under One Sky" of the International Astronomical Union is now entering its final phase: As a last global project, the IAU has launched an initiative called Astronomy Day in Schools and asks the astronomical community to organize concerted activities in and together with schools during the time period from 10 to 17 November 2019. This week is designed to give students worldwide the opportunity to interact directly with astronomers, to explore astronomical topics and to learn more about the role of astronomy in our lives.
The week of 10-17 November 2019 offers plenty of such opportunities: 10 November is UNESCO World Day of Science for Peace and Development, on 11 November a transit of Mercury will occur, and 15 November 2019 is this year's national Reading Day in Germany.
No matter whether amateur or professional astronomer, scientist or teacher, everyone is cordially invited to take part. On a separate page, the IAU has collected ideas and guidelines for planning and conducting school events and collected materials that could be used.
Those who officially register their event for the Astronomy Day in Schools at the IAU webpage (select "Astronomy Day in Schools" as the event category) have the opportunity to win a comprehensive material package when they hand in a report on the activities carried out. For this purpose, two categories ("Astronomy for All" and "Most Innovative Event") have been created, in which two winners each receive prizes.