The DLR Space Show is coming to Heidelberg
In mid-September, DLR_Raumfahrt_Show, the space show of Germany's National Space Agency DLR, will come to Heidelberg – courtesy of Haus der Astronomie, the Klaus Tschira Foundation and Heidelberg University. Almost 2500 pupils in grades 3 to 6 will be able to see the show in the university's Neue Aula lecture hall.

Last year, the DLR_Raumfahrt_Show brought the fascination of space to 25,000 schoolchildren throughout Germany. This year, the space show is touring Germany again, with a new theme – and it will visit in Heidelberg, as well!
Haus der Astronomie, the University of Heidelberg and DLR have invited school classes grades 3 to 6 to experience the show in the Neue Aula auditorium of the University of Heidelberg on 16 and 17 September 2019. Registration can only be made in advance via the school; all schools from Heidelberg and the surrounding area received an invitation, including registration information, before the summer holidays.
During the show, the pupils will experience a 90-minute virtual journey to the moon. The interactive science show also includes exciting hands-on experiments and fascinating images from space. On the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the first Apollo moon landing, the show will convey numerous interesting facts about the moon in an entertaining and instructive manner – firmly grounded in science, and in a way that is slated to increase the pupil's interest in research and technology.
For the classes attending the show, the event is free of charge. The performances of the DLR_Raumfahrt_Show in Heidelberg are funded by the Klaus Tschira Foundation.