OAE launches new Teaching Teachers Pilot Project
The Office of Astronomy for Education (OAE) is pleased to announce the call for proposals for the Teaching Teachers Pilot Project, which enables our National Astronomy Education Coordinators (NAECs), together with a local teacher and astronomer, to apply for a grant to support a pilot astronomy teacher training and development workshop.

Third place in the IAU OAE 2021 Astrophotography Contest - Category: Comets.
We invite and encourage all NAECs to submit proposals for financial support for up to 2000 Euros for a pilot astronomy teacher training and professional development workshop to be scheduled in 2022.
This dedicated grant requires a collaboration between one NAEC team member, a local teacher and, if possible, also an astronomer to develop a workshop on a topic of their choice. Up to ten such initiatives can be supported, with five projects dedicated to primary school level (up to 12 years) sponsored by the OAE Center Italy.
All information and eligibility criteria as well as rules can be found on our webpage: https://astro4edu.org/ttp/.
The application deadline is 1 June 2022.
The condition that the workshop is developed in collaboration with a NAEC team member and submitted by this NAEC team member is mandatory. If you are a teacher or astronomer interested in running such a workshop, please contact a NAEC in your country to see if they wish to collaborate: https://www.astro4edu.org/naec-network/. The OAE currently has NAECs in over 100 countries worldwide.
Don't hesitate to contact us at ttp22@astro4edu.org if you have any questions.