Image processing meeting at HdA
HdA hosts the 48th Heidelberg Image Processing Forum

Nearly 100 scientists, developers and engineers from the academic and industrial sectors met today at the Haus der Astronomie on the occasion of the 48th Heidelberg Image Processing Forum.
The meeting was all about "Imaging and image processing across the electromagnetic spectrum", and astronomy was well represented: From the long radio waves of LOFAR (Heino Falcke, Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen) and Adaptive Optics in the near-infrared (Andreas Glindemann, ESO) to the telescopes of gamma astronomy (Konrad Bernlöhr, MPIK).
Additional talks presented imaging and spectroscopy with terahertz radiation, infrared sensors and cameras, and radar imaging. The meeting was hosted by the Heidelberg Collaboratory for Image Processing (a joint venture headed by Heidelberg University), the Max Planck Institute for Astronomy, and the Haus der Astronomie.