
Who’s who at the HdA

The following list contains contact data for those working in the Haus der Astronomie - including the editorial team of the popular astronomy journal Sterne und Weltraum (SuW) and those staff members of the Max Planck Institute for Astronomy (MPIA) who have their offices in the building.

Niall Deacon

Coordinator, OAE

Diane Düe

editorial assistance, SuW [before noon]

Natalie Fischer

Scientific Staff, HdA
Consultant Primary School Education, OAE

Olaf Fischer

Scientific Staff, HdA

Esther Kolar

Workshop staff, HdA

Carolin Liefke

Deputy Managing scientist, HdA
Deputy Director, OAE

Tshiamiso Makwela

Researcher, OAE (Astron. Education)
Coordinator, OAE

Andreas Müller

Editor-in-chief, Sterne und Weltraum

Judith Neidel

Head of graphics department, MPIA

Markus Nielbock

Head of Science Media Service
Press and Outreach Officer

Matthias Penselin

teaching staff, HdA

Markus Pössel

Managing scientist, HdA; Senior Outreach Scientist, MPIA
Director, OAE

Saeed Salimpour

Researcher, OAE (Astron. Education)

Gwen Sanderson

Organisational Assistant, OAE

Florian Seitz

teaching staff, HdA

Jakob Staude

Scientific Staff, HdA

Martin Wetz

teaching staff, HdA


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